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What is Moce Benu?

Unfortunately single use plastics are not going to disappear from our lives anytime soon.  It is a colossal world wide issue being fought over on the world stage. However, by participating in the 'Moce Benu' plastic re-forming circular economy we offer a realistic way to mitigate the damage to our environment and  to profit from the plastic problem in the Fiji Islands. 

Re-shaping Fiji's plastic waste

Innovation for a greener, cleaner Fiji

For the first time Fiji can move beyond simply collecting and burning consumer plastic waste and create it in to a networked village resource for financial gain and building materials.

'Moce Benu'- meaning 'good bye rubbish' is offering a ground breaking solution to Fiji's plastic crisis.  Based in Suva at the CATD (Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development) 'Moce Benu' is the first pilot micro - facility established.   ​​​​

Creating Fijian village community run recycling facilities

Providing cutting edge plastic recycling technology

Transforming plastic waste into exclusive, desirable products

CATD leading the way

Driving green innovation in Fiji 

The Centre of Appropriate Technology & Development (CATD) has a pivotal role  in the Pacific Community within green developments in the Pacific testing new ideas and installing proven ones.   The centre is developing TVET green courses including  biogas courses for plumbers, mud bricks for carpenters, petrol electric conversions for automotives and 3D printing for welders.

All students are also educated in the basics of environmental husbandry, OHS (occupational health and safety), financial literacy, cooking and crop growing.  

A green energy course will be introduced soon.  

plastic rubbish 


sort & process


sell products

LPM Technology

What makes the LPM  plastic reforming technology unique is that is that the collected waste does not have to be sorted or cleaned.

A drift net that has been floating around for ten years, trapping and killing every fish or mammal that it has contacted from the ocean can be fed straight into the shredder. 

Sand, bones, dead fish, seaweed, shellfish and the net all get ground up into small pieces.  These are then heated to 130 degrees centigrade which evaporates water and kills off biological matter.  

These small pieces are then compressed into the required form and sheathed with a plastic infused woven material.  This material provides reliable physical properties and a decorative finish for the product. It can be flax, hessian, cotton, fibreglass or polyester, ie, old clothes and curtains, potato sacks, bits of fibreglass from boats etc.  On top of this it is possible to add printed matter on paper or fabric.  This could be logos, advertising or an inspirational message. 

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LPM Technology
Moce Benu logo

Rob Denney

Zero Emissions Shipping Project

Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development




Ph 61 406944011

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